Monday, September 13, 2010

Cars and Bikes

I have been trying to take up photography more often - a step in that regards has been a project that I have started within my team. It captures the various moods of people over time all captured in black and white. More on that later.

This Sunday I was able to visit Auto Mall next door to Palace grounds. I was there for about 1.5 hours and managed to take about 200 odd pictures. It was a fight to try and keep people out of focus as we seem to have a habit of posing next to each and every car!!!! Here are some pics from the same.

There were the obvious- the Merc and the Beamers.

Automall 3

Automall 2


Automall 1

And then there were the cars for which I really was there. Since returning to India I have missed quite a few opportunities to capture Vintage cars. So when I read that they had an special exhibit of Vintage cars I had to make time for this. The collection was very vast but I cant complain. Was chuffed about the afternoon's work. Below are some of the visuals.

Vintage 10

Vintage 11

Vintage 8

Vintage 5

Vintage 7

Vinatage 3

Vintage 1


And then there were the big superbikes

Automall 7

The Invader- quite a presence it had

Automall 6

Hayabusa - There isnt anything like it!

Automall 4

Automall 5