Monday, December 24, 2012

Why we only can help tackle this menace called rape..

I haven’t written for a long time. Part of the reason is that the political circus around us keeps recreating itself, till it reaches the point where it all merges with reality and everyday life- and then you have nothing that surprises you. Yet as I sat in front of the television, watching the scenes unfold in front of me at Rasina Hill, some very disturbing questions surfaced – questions to which a lot of people like me don’t possibly have an answer yet the seething anger looks for answer.

Why did it take the brutal rape of a lady for our collective conscience to awake? Were the same people – me included, not quietly looking the other way, every day in Delhi and other parts of the country. Why the government in Delhi never bothered to do anything to stop this menace – rape isn’t something new to the national capital – 661 odd cases have been reported till date this year alone and god knows how many would have gone unreported – was the government waiting for a lucky number to act? How could the ACP pass of this incident as a stray incident? How could the government use such brute force against people who were protesting – the common man and woman who wanted to say enough is enough – we will not allow this to go on. This has to stop. The lady who wants to be able to go out without having to think twice.  But that’s not all. What about the fact that no leader – either from the Government or the opposition had the steel to come out and tell the common people that what happened was wrong and they would do the best possible to address the shortcomings in the judicial system to fight the menace called rape/sexual assault/molestation. The prime minister comes out with an address to the nation – a well written one, am assuming someone would burnt the midnight oil to write the same . He says he feels the anger as he is a father of daughters as well – well if he did, then he wouldn’t have to read out from a script – this wasn’t a diplomatic issue- it was a straight forward issue to which I wish our prime minister or anyone from the political class would have the guts to cut across the party lines and say it was wrong- say that we have collectively failed but lets do all we can to avoid a repeat.

We expect things to change overnight but they won’t. Law can’t be enacted in a day until and unless it concerns the salary of our ministers – I will keep that topic for another day. But what can be done is to show sincere intent to set things right – people would have appreciated that. But no, we had our Home Minister who wanted to link the protestors to Maoists – whom is he kidding, or I would like to smoke what he was smoking.

The Delhi Police, under political pressure or otherwise, seems to be an expert in ensuring mass protests are always handled in the wrong way. It happened with the Ramdev Baba protest and it happened again. Why the brute force? Couldn’t you have just formed a perimeter around Rastrapati  Bhawan? Why did some section of the police show intent as if their increments depended on how many innocent people they could thrash? Why the water cannons? Why the lathi charges? Delhi Police needs leadership, which unfortunately is missing. And when the leadership is there, common sense is absent – after all common sense is not a common property. The Police force needs to be trained to handle sensitive cases like rape, molestation – in most cases they only further aggravate the mental torture. We must also remember that a vast portion of the police force at the lower rungs is just about educated to write their names – and they have a very different mindset – the mindset carried forward by the khaps of the villages. This need to be looked into far greater details- and the force has to be made more and more sensitive. Also women officers must be made mandatory for all stations.

There has been talk of some governments putting CCTV in public transport etc. Good start. But more than anything we have to be awakened. We need to protest if we see anything. We need to be extra vigilant when we are in public domain – stand up for what is not right. I know this is easier said than done, but if each one of us try, there is no reason why we can’t drive fear into the sick bastards.
That brings me to the politicians – I would have really wanted to see one mainstream leader – be it Rahul Gandhi, Shashi Tharoor, Sachin Pilot, Akhilesh Yadav or so called young turk or even not so young turks raise their hand and say we need to change this. But no one did – the standard retort was if we did, we would be seen politicizing the episode. Well better do something than do nothing at all. Couldn’t party lines be breached once and out politicians stand united? Give us hope that they could work together to legislate far stronger laws against this heinous crime. I wish media would have asked those tough questions .  But then paid media has its own politics.The question circle backs to what immediate steps can be taken? For starters more intensive patrolling can help. Help lines need to be accessible – last when I read , it was going to take a week for a helpline number to be active 24x7. Really?  How is that even acceptable? 

Last but not least, I wish Delhi wakes up – it’s been in slumber enough. More than any city, Delhi seems to tolerate such rude and crass behavior towards its womenfolk. I don’t know how to explain it – but Delhi needs to do better for itself. It has to. So has to Bangalore, Indore, Kolkata et al. So has to every Ram, Rahim, John on the streets. So that Keenan and Rueben still would look at all this and say their sacrifice was worth it. Maybe the solution to solving this isn’t so glamorous – it possibly needs a bit of  courage from each one of us. The tougher laws etc would all help, but somewhere we need to be more involved, aware.

Another challenge with protests that don’t have leaders is that they seldom reach the end they were meant to. But if we remain focused, pressurize our elected representatives, I am sure things will change – I am still hopeful.  Anger is great but it needs to be channelized into something worthwhile – this is what we need to learn.

And I hope our political class relooks at itself – atleast the young brigade – relook at the example that they are setting.  The country needs leaders – passionate people who are willing to call a spade a spade and not think of electoral votes, party lines – I wish and hope we have one atleast.
I wish and pray that she(every women who had to face harassment/molestation/rape) recovers, and gather courage and we help them by standing next to them. 

This is to stop – this has to stop.

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