Monday, January 6, 2014

Why Aam Aadmi Party needs to be careful. Especially now.

So Aam Aadmi Party did something which stumped a lot of seasoned political analysts. Suddenly they were the toast of not only Delhi but the entire country. People especially youngsters saw them as a refreshing change - bold enough to dream, crazy to actually make the dream a reality. For the first time, one could be part of a political revolution. There were minimum barriers of entry - something which is a major constraint for large national parties like Congress, BJP etc. For some, AAP brought back the romanticism into politics - suddenly being in politics wasn't sneered upon. A lot of things AAP did was a change, and a welcome one at that - it had detailed manifestos for each ward - detailing the issues at the ground level. For once each rupee being managed had a source - if you wanted to donate to them you needed to furnish your personal details. It gave chance to people much like you and I to contest elections and help be a change agent. It promised to look into two long standing grievances of the people on the streets - water, and electricity. It promised clean and effective governance, it promised quick solutions. it promised people that their representatives will be available to them everyday and not just after 5 years at the time of seeking re election. It promised an end to the babu raj - no more having to give way to a cavalcade of cars because some VVIP was travelling. 

The results of the Delhi polls put AAP among the high sea and the deep canyon. If they didn't form the government, they would be hounded by other parties for not taking the lead. If they tried forming the party with the outside support of either Congress/BJP, the parties in the opposition would bay for their blood. And they did. Even the SMS and the muhallah sabah campaign that AAP took before deciding to form the government was ridiculed - questions were asked if they would solve every problem by a show of hands. But they decided to take the bold step and form the government. As a outsider, I wished that even if Congress was only going to provide support on a case to case basis, AAP and Arvind would be able to show everyone that they can also execute their plans. And hopefully should the people of Delhi have to vote again, they will do so based on that show.

But AAP and Team Arvind have to be careful. Public trust is something that is with them - but its also something that can go away as quickly as it gets built. Already they seem to be too keen to err on the side of rhetoric. AAP stood for austerity - and what does the new CM do - goes and take two 5 room bunglows. When asked about this sudden opulence, the CM replied that his is a humble abode compared to Sheila Dixit's official residence. The next day Arvind did a perfect turn around - and put it as something the govt had allocated to him. Doesn't realize that he is the government himself now.

AAP also needs to move beyond the symbolism and the rhetoric. Its time to tome down the rhetoric and get down to work. One of my personal favorite is how Arvind keeps saying - "Main kaun hoon?" Somebody remind him that he is now the CM of Delhi and has a job and a half at hand. Everyone seems to be keen to give a byte to the news person - and that is a big risk. Someone as experienced as Prashant Bhushan just created a situation that could have been avoided - I only shudder at more inexperienced people like the Rakhi Birla's of the world.  

Also AAP needs to understand that not all decisions have to be done at the rate of running a 100 mt race. Some can be a longer version as well. We have a sound legislative process and that shouldn't be overlooked. Muhalla Sabahs are great to understand the sentiments of the people but the problems need to be discussed in the assembly and the best possible solution be acted upon. 

In between all of this, AAP suddenly decided to contest on 300 seats. This to me could have been avoided. In my humble opinion, they should have shown what they are capable of in Delhi and then looked at spreading their wings. They could have taken their time to set up the ground machinery across the country. AAP also has to be careful in this national endeavor - they at this point in time don't have a leader beyond Arvind and to an extent Yogendra Yadav. 

AAP has done a lot of things right, but suddenly seems to be taking some steps which could quickly alienate them from everyone. So hope AAP is careful - hope they think over their actions and their words. Especially now more than ever. 

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